Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nuther year to begin the begin

... whatever the hell that means.  Couple of things on my mind as of late.
1.  ( and I know that I am not supposed to ) I love using q-tips in my ears.  Never have any other use for them.  Why isn't that one of the uses labeled on the box of q-tips?
2.  Driving my Saturn and listening to any Tarantino soundtrack should somehow make it into a Tarantino film, because it's so un-cool that it's cool
And it is the beginning of a new year so it's time for my yearly blog. I guess that wouldn't make it a blog, more like a place where I go to say some shit once in a blue moon.  Last year, another amazing year.  Couple Series Regular's under my belt for a couple of pilots.  Looking forward to seeing what happens after that.  Biggest thing is reaching a goal of mine that was at sort of the top of my list, and becoming really really uneasy now that there is nothing else there.  What to do?  Re-discovered a mission statement.  Storytelling.  Period.  As honest as I am able to.  Period.  Every time I find myself thinking I should write that down, I don't.  Then when I get to write stuff down, it's gone and I just find myself kind of rambling on.
With my new found time, re-learning some old school stuff which seems silly, but great for brain power.  For example, when realizing that about 70% of the planet is water, I was dumbfounded. Then just felt plain dumb for not realizing that in the first place.  Cmon man.

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